This datapack is will add many types of furniture to the game, but for now beacause its still in alpha state it only add chairs and tables
In this minecraft map is your goal to dont touch the lever. To that wich touched it happend something really bad so dont touch it!!!!!
Santa lost all of his presents. Now he needs to find them. So told you to go and find them!
In this game you need to choose your hero's class. And then fight 3 enemies each with higher difficulty.
In this app you get questioned if you can guess the number I'm thinking of. Can you guess it?
In this app you input number of people then you will input names and the program will sort them for you.
This calculator is for solving simpke mathemathics problems. It can do +, -, *, /. This calculator is enhanced user inteface.
This calculator has some new features like colored text, checking if numbers are real...
This website is calculator where you can do all numebrs and it's desinged for easy use.
This website is my desing for sing up page.
This website dont support your screen size